
تم تحديد موعد مؤتمر دبي للتعليم 2024 يوم الأحد الموافق 19 مايو. نتطلع إلى استقبال جميع المعلمين والمعلمات من كافة أنحاء دولة الإمارات في مدرسة الصفا البريطانية دبي لتبادل الخبرات والتعاون مع كافة الزملاء للارتقاء بعملية التعليم والتعلم في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة.

The 2024 Dubai Teaching Conference has been scheduled for Sunday May 19th. We look forward to welcoming educators from across the UAE to Safa British School, Dubai to share expertise and collaborate with colleagues across the United Arab Emirates.
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Rasha Mahdy

Dubai College
Arabic B teacher

Contact Me

Rasha Mahdy is an Arabic language teacher for non-native speakers with over 20 years of experience in the field of education and teaching in Dubai. Renowned for her high proficiency in developing innovative teaching methods and expertly planning curricula, she has been awarded the title of Outstanding Teacher at several educational institutions. She currently holds the position of a GCSE Arabic language teacher for non-native speakers at Dubai College. She employs her insightful vision to create an interactive learning environment that helps students connect what they learn in the classroom with real life, in addition to boosting their self-confidence while speaking Arabic. Rasha is always on a continuous quest to discover new and useful advancements in the field of education and educational technology.

✨Welcome to an engaging session focused on enhancing oracy skills in Arabic B class! Together, we'll explore effective strategies for confident and effective Arabic communication.We aim to develop proficient speakers who are also critical thinkers and active listeners. Let’s embark on this transformative journey to elevate your Arabic proficiency and prepare you for success in all your future endeavours!✨